
tgif tuesday!

wow, last night was great! matt actually volunteered to stay with zachary while i went to a mini-reunion at tgi-fridays. once in a lifetime opportunity lol! 4 friends from middle school sitting at a restaurant for like six hours! seriously. talking about everything from cars to threesomes! ahh we should do stuff like that more often, and God knows it was good for me to get out of the house! even though me and matt got into a little fight about it, he just couldn't believe we stayed there til 1 am talking! he got over it though... i think tonight we're going to have a big talk. its past due time for it.

annnd i'm still stressing. i called medicaid randomly and they said i was denied for august, even though they already told me i have full medicaid. i'm so confused. and the house is a complete disaster! i have to clean (again) today. at least the rotten fish smell is gone... or maybe i got used to it? ew. the home depot guys are coming in a little bit to finish installing the fridge, and tonight we have to put the washer/ dryer back in too. carrie called me today and bitched me out in her perfectly polite soft-spoken way about my test. i still need to retake the final quiz, take the bonus questions, schedule the real exam, and get my fingerprints done! and i really want to get at least one more recruit and another sale before i get my license! this is stuff that should already be done, but me, the procrastinator, has left everything to happen at once. no wonder i've been getting so stressed!? it's my own fault, i know. just wish i had a little more willpower or determination. i've been letting my depression get the best of me lately.

uhhh... i'm going to put on some music and hopefully get pumped up to get some shit done! yea. go me!


  1. Sounds insane but you can do it! Grown up life kinda sucks but we definitely covered last night a bunch of the perks!

  2. yea it's times like these i want to be that crazy 13 year old again lol!
