time is flying! it's already september and i can officially say i am due next month! OMG. although i have a feeling baby hailey will not wait until the end of october to make her appearance. i went to the doctor yesterday, i was having contractions all day about 10 minutes apart. the doctor checked my cervix and said i was all closed up and sent me home. i'm still having contractions today, but apparently i'm just supposed to deal with it. i'm very frustrated. i know i'm not a doctor, but it's very annoying when they won't listen to me. i know what i'm feeling, and i'm not an expert on labor and pregnancy, but i know my own body better than anyone, and if i'm scared baby hailey is going to come too early, they should do something to reassure me or do everything possible that it won't happen!
i'm very frustrated with a lot of things right now. i don't have a phone or a car, and i have a lot to do. matt said he would try to pay the cell phone bills today, we'll see. i hope he does cause it sucks being stuck with no communication except the internet lol. i need to call medicaid, workforce 1, mental health counselers, and my doctor. plus i have to schedule my state exam and take/pass my life exam guarantee quiz.
okay so maybe it's not all that much, but i just can't seem to stop worrying about the baby. i really hope she doesn't come out too early! we finally scheduled the day for my baby shower... october 2nd at paula's house. we're going to make it a very casual bbq/pool party. i hope everyone comes :-/ not like my baby shower with zachary lol. i invited about 50 people and only 12 showed up. this time it's a lot more family though, so hopefully they will actually come. and i hope i get some good stuff! lol i'm so bad! only because i need it! and as long as baby hailey comes after the baby shower it might be okay.
ugh. these contractions are killing me. they're not coming at regular intervals anymore, but they are painful. and i'm still feeling nauseous. i hope they do stop on their own! if they don't go away by the end of today, i'm going to the hospital to get a shot. lol there's no way i'm going to deal with this for the next 2 months!
Breathe, woman, breathe!